Wednesday, November 23, 2011

A Thanksgiving Day Message

In front of MWS poster at the University
I hope you all are taking a few moments from cooking, cleaning, running errands, arriving at your destinations and/or welcoming friends and family into your homes for the holiday, to read this message.

The MWS Team and I would like to express our most sincere gratitude to all of the selected MWS women, future selectees/interviewees, and friends of the project for your support and involvement in this most incredible experience, being the Mystic Women of Salem. 

To the MWS women - we are so grateful and indebted to you all for giving us the opportunity to glimpse into areas of your lives and experience such phenomenal events, that few and far between are ever allowed.  Your kindness and grace continues to bless us and the project...Thank You!

To future MWS women  - Thank you so much for your patience and understanding about the length of time it takes to process each phase of the project.  And for your support and promotion of the project even prior to notification of your selection!

To Salem State University and my Professors - I cannot express my undying gratitude enough for your support, involvement, and all that you have taught me during my time at the University.  Without your knowledge and teaching skills MWS would have never been conceived - I owe you everything!

To my lil' neighbors - I thank Holly and Chris (not to mention Toby and Noah) who constantly bring me joy and laughter on my front porch.  A special thanks to the girls for my home made cinnamon rolls - you just can't get better than that!  To Toby - you are just one little bundle of unconditional love.  Noah - I thank you every time you come over for protecting me and my house, you are a very good "dog on duty" and I feel better knowing you're watching out for me!

We wish to all of our fans and followers a very Happy and Safe Thanksgiving and for your continued promotion, interest, and constant support!  :}

Friday, November 18, 2011

Lady June Gallery

Just to let you all know that Lady June's shoot is ready to view on the smugmug site !

As usual I have many, many more shots and will add them to the gallery as time permits.  Enjoy this WONDERFUL fall weather...ah, I feel the healing winds of the north on their way to cleanse and heal us all.

Will post again in a couple of days...thanks for your support!


Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Behind the Scenes of MWS - Tea Leaf Reader - Lady June!

Lady June upon arrival
Getting ready for the shoot

Photographer and June 

goofing around

small smiles

June and her dear friend, Dawn

Very good friends indeed.

When June and Dawn arrived on Saturday, she had obviously come very prepared for her shoot.  Her hair and makeup was flawless, she was wearing gorgeous flowing robes, and was dripping in gold...from her fingertips to numerous shimmering necklaces, to boot.  I was immediately impressed and knew that her shoot was going to be one that I would not forget.

We reviewed the paperwork, got it signed and I explained the basics of her theme, the lighting techniques, and the visual that I was hoping to achieve.  And achieve we did!

June was a natural in front of the camera.  Not only did we get smoke shots, we got candlelight shots as well.  I caught June on camera manipulating the flames of the candle...making it stretch to 2" and higher, then actually changing the color of the base of the flame on command! 

There were many, many "things" that happened during this shoot.  The air at one point was the thickest it had ever been during a MWS shoot...we all knew that we were not alone and that the spirits were really the ones in control.  From making their presence known by actually changing color images and back again (this was validated by a personal experience that June had with her recently departed loved one), her pet "Raven" demanding FULL spotlight, and numerous "other-worldly" experiences during the course of her shoot.  

Thank you Dawn for all that you did and have done for MWS project.  Thank you June for being an exceptional subject, and thank you guardians and spirits for making this shoot absolutely fascinating in so very many ways!

Saturday, November 5, 2011

Mystic Woman, Lady June


Friend of the MWS project, Dawn, shown here early in October at Jaho in Salem.  Dawn spent the whole day with me distributing the MWS posters and pr materials to numerous locations in Salem...the "crush" of October was already apparent.  Thanks Dawn for helping me (and the project) in so many ways!!  But, her assistance is not over yet...

Today (Saturday 11/5/2011)  she is accompanying Lady June to the studio for her shoot.  June is one of those "power house" founding Mothers of this area and I look forward to photographing her.

Of all the women I have interviewed June is the only one, that I know of, that does tea leave readings.  I was fascinated by this and needless to say her style of divination will play a major role in the theme of her shoot.

Will have behind the scenes shots/stories and more about June in the next few stay tuned and check back soon!
