Thursday, November 26, 2015

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

                    The  Frost  Moon in Gemini 
                         (otherwise known as the Beaver Moon)

As the Mystic Women of Salem project gets closer to publication my updates and information will become less and less as agents/publishing houses will have "much" control over all PR and information that is released to the public.  During this time since I had such positive feedback regarding my last post about the full moon and it's meaning, I will continue.  I will also be posting about various subjects and issues regarding mysticism, astrology, tarot, crystal readings, runes and all things Viking!!!  Speaking of Vikings, a new and absolutely fabulous gallery will be released for your viewing pleasure in just days (I'll wait until you all return home safe and sound).  Now on to the moon!

The gibbous Moon is the phase that the moon enters a few days before a Full Moon and a few days after.  This phase is equal in intensity to the Full Moon especially to those who are sensitive to the Moon and her phases.  The Full Moon is an excellent time to "peak" and hit high points with any endeavor that you may be involved in.  The gibbous days which follow are great for completion of said endeavors and tying up loose ends.  During the Full Moon phase it is a great time for parties and gathering together for celebratory reasons.  Of course there is balance to consider here...exhaustion and unusual fatigue can accompany a rather intense Full Moon.  Your astrological chart should help determine which Moon's are more intense and prevalent in your world and experiences.

The moon entered Gemini at 12:15 pm today and becomes full
at 5:44 pm.  The following information is good until the moon enters Cancer on Saturday November 28th.  

The Gemini Moon is versatile, barren, and airy.  This means that people will be susceptible to change and "spur of the moment" actions and decisions.  Change, change, change is most prevalent during this Moon (as is Gemini).  Intellectual conversation, games, and pursuits will also be noticeably energized and obvious for those effected greatly by this Moon.  Communication is key as well.  Meet with people and keep that in mind.  You may be greatly satisfied with engaging conversation versus activities.  Be quick on your feet and think fast...pace is quick and you don't want to be left behind.    For the Wiccan's, Pagans, and Mystics, this is a great time for magic of all kinds.  Powers and effectiveness of spells and incantations will be greatly heightened.  Meditation, psychic work, crystal scrying, water gazing and successful circles will be particularly eventful during this time.  Travel is to be done with great caution, of course.  

It is my sincere hope that you all have a loving, joyous, and delightfully satisfying Thanksgiving Holiday.  Filled with great food, family, and friends.  During a time of great uncertainty and the losses suffered by our Parisian brothers and sisters - it is my hope that those losses are not in vain.  That you all will hug your family members a little longer, be patient with the outrageous uncles, laugh a little louder and more often...and Goddess knows I wish you strength in handling all the screaming kids!  May this Holiday bring you great peace, a sense of enormous gratitude and a safe return to your homes.

R :}

Saturday, October 17, 2015

The post regarding the Blood / Hunter's Moon 

To occur on Tuesday - October 27, 2015 

oopsie, sorry folks!  


                 BLOOD / HUNTER'S MOON  IN  TAURUS   

This upcoming full moon shall enter full status at 8:05 am, entering Taurus at 2:07 am.  Favored color is red and incense is Margoram.   Projects and other things begun now will last the longest and ultimately their value shall increase.  However, it will become increasingly difficult to alter these projects.  One will experience heightened senses (all 6),  deep appreciation for beauty (in all forms)  will also be experienced.  Impulses will be hard to control for some...and beware of get rich quick schemes.   This particular moon will give one the sense of invincibility and the illusion of being able to take on anything.  However, remember that there are limits in the mundane world.  If those limits are passed or abused there will be consequences.  Such as fatigue, being overwhelmed, immune system compromised, lack of sleep and patience - just to name a few.  

What is key during this moon for everyone is to patient in all things and be crystal clear with communications in all forms.  This moon will also bring out selective hearing in others, so repeating yourself for clarity is a very good idea.  

Although much death and negativity is associated with this moon (due to massive slaughtering, sacrifices, etc., ) it is important to remember and acknowledge that we human beings have evolved and grown.  Our conscience mind has been awakened and we know to kill (anything or anybody) is not an option.  This excludes self defense of course.  As long as we are killing this world will never be at full potential and we as a people will continue to suffer. 

Bring joy, celebration, reflection, admiration, communication and all other forms of positivity to this moon.  

Maktub (so it is written)  :}

Friday, October 16, 2015

                       WELCOME  TO  SALEM  EVERYONE !!!

Salem is officially now in full swing of all the Halloween Festivities!  Check out the Haunted Happenings which is sponsored by the City of Salem.  They list everything from festivals, special events, tours, etc.,etc. that Salem offers during this special time.   Also be sure to check out Christian Day's Festival of the Dead at for listings of circles, balls, convention activities and more.  Mystic Women,  Laurie Cabot and Penny Cabot are hosting their annual costume ball to find out info. go to

The city is buzzing and will continue to until November.  If you are able to join the festivities please use extreme caution when walking the streets of Salem.  Stay alert people!  

MWS is not participating this year, however you will see a familiar photographer bouncing around Salem with Cassandra (camera), shooting everything from ghosts and goblins to landscapes and architecture.  As reported on the last post only the book cover needs to be shot/processed and the Project Manager is taking over with the ladies and their stories as well as any issues/questions that come up regarding the project.   The artist has completed her end, now the intelligent one takes over !!! hee hee

Take much care everyone, enjoy this wonderful season, be kind and considerate to the animals, the trees/Great Mother, and to one another...and BE SAFE !  After all, we want you around so you can see and own 


Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Happy Harvest Season to one and all!!!  Fall is upon us here in Salem, Ma and we begin the festivities for the Season October 1, 2015 via a parade...and most of the Mystic Women will be there.

I want to take this time to update all of you on the status of the MWS project and exactly what our plans are in the near future.

Since I have been literally homebound for a year now and am recovering from the dreaded battle with the Demon Dragon, things have obviously been put on the back burner until I have the strength to move forward.  I am able to do some things in short intervals.  The surgeons say full recovery takes a year (dang).  However, I am consistently working on strength and trying to enter the mundane world again, one activity at a time.  I am limited to one activity per day.  So far so steps, baby steps.

Now I know why I was so obsessed and driven to get not only the ladies' portraits done but also to complete the landscape/architectural/environmental shots of Salem.  There will be over forty shots in the book.  I must have sub consciencely  known that my body would only hold up for a certain amount of time.  That's exactly what happened too.  I know one of my Professor's stated in a letter of recommendation, "no one deserves this more than Rebecca, besides if this project is not completed soon I fear it will kill her."  I thought he was nuts at the time...not so much now.

Regardless of what the drs. say, these are our plans in moving to the next level with MWS project.  In January 2016 all stories will be edited/completed and ready to print.  Compilation and cover design will follow immediately after.  We will begin printing prototypes as soon as possible (this will be another HUGE financial strain).  Early spring will bring negotiations, meetings with agents and publishing houses, attending author/publishing/book conventions and fairs in NYC.  We will also be interviewing agents and PR firms.  

We want all of you to know that this project is still on track and according to stats we are 2-3 years ahead of schedule.  It is important to assure you that the passion and determination regarding MWS has not waivered.  The last few months we have been notified of grumblings from individuals who have used terms like "outdated", "harm to others", "exploitation", and the list goes on.  What we say to those people... we are harming no one, MWS is ahead of schedule and is certainly NOT outdated.  To those nay sayers about the future of MWS...the entire MWS TEAM is out thousands of dollars, years of grueling work,  sacrifices that are GREAT and too personal to discuss.  Do you really think we would go through all that for this long just because it's a "dream"?  Would people in their right minds waste this much time, endure constant physical pain, ride an emotional roller coaster, and constantly go without the little pleasures in life due to financial constraints because we have nothing better to do?  Please.  
The difference between a dreamer and a visionary is achieved goals...end of story...period. 
I hope this lets the haters/doubters and nay sayers know that we are  extremely dedicated to MWS,  will protect and honor the project, the subject matter and the subjects featured to the best of our matter what.
One thing that has happened is that the "buzz" about MWS has calmed.  This is due to the fact that in the publishing world you must promote, get established on the internet with blogs and social media, etc., etc. if you plan on getting published.  Otherwise it will never get off the ground.  We knew this would happen, we just did not expect such impatience, doubt and negativity when MWS was not published after the first couple of years.  Shooting was not even complete at that time and could not have been.  Professionals knew that from the beginning, it was I that was naive and ignorant about this phase of the project.  Now I have learned and learned well.

Anyway, we hope that this post updates everyone and that our position is clear.

Now...go out and enjoy the Season...we are!

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

                              CONGRATULATIONS  WILLIAM !!!

MWS would like to extend a very sincere congratulations to our own Project Manager, William Fox.  Our Project Manager has been promoted from Mid-Management to Executive status at one of the oldest and well established publishing houses in New York City (and really in the country).  William is now Director of a division at the "house" that produces approximately %70 of the revenue for the entire company!

Employed at the company for fifteen years, William has worked his way up from an entry level position to Executive status because of an incredible work ethic, tremendous loyalty, dependability and not to mention a bit of sheer brilliance...hee hee!  

MWS is so very proud of William and truly feel honored to have him as Project Manager/advisor/confidant/creative consultant and visionary on this once in a lifetime project.  To tell you the truth everyone, without William this project would have never gotten off the ground, much less been completed.  It is because of the vast experience and direction which William provides, that this project heads towards the final stages of completion.  The next phase (shopping the project in NYC) will be the most challenging and grueling phase of the entire project.  With William directly involved and believing in the project whole heartedly...we move forward.  Believe me ladies, when you get an email, advice, and/or direction from William know that he IS the expert in the publishing world and is ultimately responsible for getting the project be confident in his directives.

Congratulations William...we are very, very proud of you!!!  :}

There will be an update on the project in a couple of expect another alert.  Enjoy fall everyone!

Thursday, April 16, 2015

I have purposely waited months to write this update as I wanted to be absolutely sure about our plans, goals, and intentions for the future.  Now, I am sure.

Just a few short weeks after our show in downtown Salem last October, I literally collapsed.  The bizzaaarrr drama at Salem State really pushed me over the body just could not handle me pushing it to the brink any longer.  After months of appts, with drs, specialists, multiple tests...all my medical professionals are on the same page...FINALLY!

I have fought this demon dragon for eight long years and go into FINAL battle next week.  Of course our Project Manager (and luckily my Prince of a son) will be here for several weeks to take care of me and the animals...I am soooo lucky.

We had planned to attend the largest convention of publishers, authors, etc., etc., in May at NYC, however, it certainly looks like I won't be able to attend this one, DANG IT! I learned years ago, I am not the driver only the vehicle regarding MWS project..."she" has a life and mind of her own and I learned the hard way not to buck her, just go with the flow.

As of now my full and complete recovery has to be the focus until I am back to normal and mobile...a few months at best.  Believe me when I am stronger, the Team and I will be hitting the ground running, promoting, selling, and exploring every opportunity in NYC to get this book published.  It has been a long and absolutely fascinating road (I could definitely write a book about the shoots alone) and one that the Team and I feel honored and privileged to be a part of.

I will be posting again in a few weeks keeping you all updated on my progress and our plans for the future.

Those involved and participating in The Mystic Women of Salem project, have a future so bright that we GOTTA WEAR SHADES...(I suggest we start wearing them!).

Love you all,
R :}