Monday, September 15, 2014

Meet our last Mystic woman to be photographed, Lea Hill (excluding my shoot, as I promised the Team over a year ago...we'll see how things go).   Lea is an author and an autism educator at Northshore Community College.  She has also taught workshops in Lilydale, New York and teaches in and around the Salem, Ma area.

Lea is a lovely woman that exudes positive energy.  Her focus is on teaching people about Sacred Geometry (now known as Sacred Shapes).  I have not been able to take one of Lea's classes yet, but I fully intend to after the publishing of MWS.

Lea's shoot was on Sunday, August 24, 2014 early in the afternoon.  I was just returning from a Maine vacation with my boys, but had "focused" in on Lea's shoot a month or so prior.  The visions about her shoot came fast and were consistent.  When you view her shoot on the Smugmug site be sure to read the captions below the shot to see my visions come to fruition.  Most of the visions were of Lea on the floor accompanied by her shapes in various positions and poses.

During her shoot of course the Goddess did not disappoint.  She always appears and lets her presence known by the weight of the air and the things that are happening through the lens of the camera.  Lea's shapes were glowing and in a "major" way...the closer the shape to her, the more intense the glow.  All of us in the studio were witness to this...time and time again.

Her dresses photographed beautifully and had I not known better, I would have thought that she was a seasoned professional in front of the camera.

The shoot in it's entirety lasted about three hours.  I was exhausted yet thrilled that the last shoot was over.  Lea and her friend seemed equally thrilled about their experience in the studio and were excited about the photos taken.

I appreciate all of you ladies being so patient and understanding during the course of this project.  Photographing so many women, coupled with outside photography (for the left side of the book) has been challenging to say the very least.

I will stop here, as this is certainly NOT my last post...we have a SHOW/EXHIBITION at Salem Ink on Derby Street in downtown Salem October 10 through the 14th!  I'm sure I will have many things to tell you about!

PR materials will be in this week and we will be distributing them over the next two weeks.

Stay tuned folks!!!

R :}

Friday, September 12, 2014

The Mystic Team is proud to present our new PR cards for the 2014 campaign.   Our graphic artist at Random House did a superb job considering the original design had to be scratched at the last minute.

I have told the ladies' during the course of this series that Freyja, Goddess of the North, has a way of repelling negative influences, entities, and people when they get too close to her project.  As I have said many times, I am just the vehicle of MWS...the Goddess herself is in the driver's seat.  I surrendered years ago giving her full and complete control.  Her ultimate goal at this time is somewhat unknown to me, but before all is said and done I'm sure all will be made crystal clear.  

The week I was trying to meet Random House deadlines, one of those negative people came entirely too close to MWS...the person originally designated to print all the portraits, pr materials etc.  The events were so shocking and bazaar that I can only "chalk it up" to the Goddess at work again. In summary there was hysterics/crying/yelling/screaming etc., in short, mucho drama from this person! Bottom line, the project was left hanging with no one to do our printing...the real "clincher" was that the person "over" the hysterical one, was supporting her bazaar behavior!!!

The drama that surrounded these events were severe and left me physically helpless for days.  So...I missed the deadlines with Random House.

The problem(s) have been somewhat resolved but at this point..."I'LL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT"  and that will be when all is printed, mounted, and hanging on the gallery walls.  

I am eternally grateful to our graphic designer, Ginny Chu who worked with me and the Project Manager very closely in order to meet bulk printing deadlines.  However, because of all the drama the original designs and artwork had to be scratched.

The above images are the front and back of the 4x6 pr cards.  The posters need a bit more work and elements added to them, then they will be ready to print.  Our goal is to have ALL materials distributed and on display by no later than October 1, 2014  (that's a lot of running around folks).

This weekend I will be finishing up the portraits of the last shoot and getting ready to launch them on social media.   The following week we will be doing "test" runs of the portraits...I will be editing and making final changes and preparing them for the printing and mounting process.  By the way, if any of you know of any millionaires that want to be a sponsor of the project...let me know...!

I'm still working feverishly to complete each deadline and so hope that someday I can say, "it was so worth it"!