Sunday, August 28, 2011

Too, Too, Too Many Hurricanes!

As I sit here in the photo lab at school waiting for the cyber wizard (we are working on pr materials today), the thought of yet another hurricane in my life has really got me down.   Night before last at about 11pm I walked outside on to the front porch.  My mind was suddenly slammed with memories of my childhood in South Texas...due to the sound of the crickets...not just a few and not pleasantly singing.  Thousands of them, singing so loud that it was almost deafening!  This is a sound very familiar to me, but one that had been forgotten.  Alarm bells started going off like crazy.  Prepare ole' gal...prepare, there's a storm ah comin".

I remember in specific 3 cat 4-5's during my first 10 years of life.  The devastation was unbelievable.  Between the wind and mostly the as I knew it had changed.  It was unbearably hot, humid, and miserable.  Shortly after these storms, people would get desperate and that's when the looting would begin and nobody was safe...hence JR's (my Father) guns.  I was not afraid of them though...he taught me to shoot at 9 - shooting water moccasins and cotton mouth snakes in the lake water.  It was the people I was afraid of.

Being so close to the ocean makes me very nervous because of my childhood...I have seen what WALLS of water look like and what they can do.  Having numerous conversations with folks in Salem about this...their response was always the same,"hurricanes don't come up here...the water is too cold."

Moving to the East Coast area a few years ago I thought I had escaped hurricanes for good.  My question is..."how 'bout those hurricanes that never come up here?"

Be safe everyone... :}

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Barbara of Angelica's

Our next Mystic Woman on the shoot schedule is Barbara of Angelica's Shoppe in downtown Salem.  
Barbara is also another  fascinating woman, who communicates and works in the spirit realm with angels.   It is my impression that she consults them psychically and does readings for people utilizing this skill.  

Her shoppe is certainly one of the most beautiful shoppes in all of Salem.  It is stocked with crystals, cards, divination tools, jewelry, a huge gift selection, and  all things fanciful/beautiful, with much, much more to see and experience.

Although Irene's winds have caused our shoot to be a bit delayed...Barbara and I are going forward and will only be "set back" a few days.

The inspiration for her shoot is no other than the master himself George Hurrell.. my idol.   His photographs of all the great movie stars of the 20-30-40-50- and 1960's is in his award winning body of work.  My love of shadows and dramatic lighting comes from Hurrell's mastery of shadows on film.  Of course being the main photog for MGM, Paramount, and 20th Century Fox was indeed a bit of a "perk".  He said himself...,"if I needed 300 yards of heavy velvet - I had it within the hour, not to mention the finest props/lighting in the country." 

Here's to you Mr. Hurrell, I hope to make you proud!  :}

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Stephanie Eaton!

Two of the really cool props Steph brought.

Wiping her tootsies before stepping on her black flooring.

A really hot and sweaty photog next to a ravishing beauty.

Steph and I clowning around.
Stephanie and her beaux, Tony, arrived at the studio with an arsenal of gowns, props, magical instruments, smiles, and a high level of excitement and enthusiasm...all of which make my job easier - automatically. The hours of design and preparation for the shoot was obviously worth it from the very beginning!

I had been at the studio for several hours setting up, prior to their arrival.  I was a bit scattered and stressed, largely because of Mercury's havoc in my life (and my shoots) over the last few weeks.   However, once all equipment tests were confirmed...all systems were GO!

Tony became a big help to Steph and I both.  He literally became my assistant over the next few hours.  The photos you see above, of she and I, were taken by Tony.  Thanks so much Tony...great job!!!!

Stephanie was eager to help in any way possible throughout the shoot and was a stunningly beautiful model.   The first gown she wore was very similar to the "Harlow" background fabric that photographs so beautifully.  Those shots were absolutely breathtaking and worthy of a Vogue layout (with a "mystic" twist, of course)!   When you see them I think you all will agree.  There were several gown and lighting changes...all successful and beautiful, which makes editing VERY tough, but so worth it.

We had a very successful shoot and I owe much thanks to Freyja for controlling Mercury, to Tony for assisting, and to Stephanie for all her hard work...great attitude...and all her preparations.  THANKS EVERYONE!!

Stephs shots being considered for Mystic will be uploaded to the smugmug gallery post haste...check them out and SPREAD the word!

Please hit "like" above and become a follower of your favorite Mystic Woman!  :}

Monday, August 22, 2011

Correction to Olga Kaminsky post

Olga is from Belarus NOT the Ukraine as previously stated.  To Olga's parents, "sorry about that."  :}

Stephanie Eaton - MWS's own Firefighter!

By the time this entry posts, I hope to have completed Stephanie's shoot.  This will be a difficult shoot and very time consuming, because of the complexity of the lighting design and we hope to get some "smoke" shots. I have done several shoots photographing is not easy and truly- you just never know what you're going to get.  But, we're going to try anyway.

Stephanie is a breath taking beauty, on the inside and out.  She is one of the few female firefighters on the North Shore of Massachusetts.  I have to admit after interviewing Steph and finding out what she does for a living, my feelings about fire fighters became very personal in nature.  Now, every time a fire truck passes by with their sirens on, I bless them and the truck...hoping to the Goddess that our Steph is not in that truck.  Hokey I know, but it's my little way of showing appreciation and affection for those that put their very lives in danger trying to assist and hopefully save others from harm. 

Wow Steph...we are so honored to have you as a Mystic woman!  I know you're going to have some absolutely "stunning" shots... can't wait.

Your "behind the scenes" shots will be in that category soon.


Saturday, August 20, 2011

Recognition of a Silent but Strong Supporter

I would like to take the time to recognize a very important supporter of this project...and me, really.  William Fox, Project Manager of MWS and who just happens to be my son, is largely responsible for this entire project getting off the ground.  Believe me when I tell you that if it were not for his experience and connections in the publishing world, MWS would have merely been a fleeting thought.  "It would be so cool if someone did a book about the women of Salem...can't believe it has not been done before now."  And that would have been the end of it.  But, has fate and Freyja have obviously planned, MWS was not meant to be just a thought...a dream...a wish.  It is a reality and was born in June of 2010.  Great, another Gemini!  That certainly explains her temperment.

It is crystal clear to William and I that there are "other" forces at work here.  So apparant and so obvious that there is no denying the fact that MWS is bound and determined to "become."

William, being in NYC, is mostly a silent investor to all of you (until you work with him directly after your shoot).  But, to me and to the project, his undying support is constant and continues daily.  Like an old oak tree that has it's roots planted firmly in the earth, William's belief and confidence never waivers.  Not an inch.  Even to the point of countless dollars, never ending conversations, expression of the voice of reason,  with a photographer/Mother who's confidence sways like a palm tree in a hurricane...almost daily. 

Here's to you my dear is time that the vast amount of viewers know just how critical and crucial your role is to this project.  For your never ending support, emotionally, physically, and spiritually...I thank you. 

And one day, the entire world will thank you.  :}

Friday, August 19, 2011

Olga - MWS's Yoga Master

Prop for Olga
Our yoga master arrives

One of several lighting techniques used

Blue lights surround our yoga beauty

A hint of another shot
Olga arrived right on time and was grinning from ear to ear!  I was so happy to see her again, it had been an entire year and much had changed in her life.  She had gotten married, and was now with child...not to mention that her hair had grown all the way to her waist...lovely, just lovely!

I focused on the difficult shots in the very beginning.  Getting the "halo" around her with gel lights was a bit tedious and time consuming, but, when I got it just right the shoot went very fast after that.  Olga was pure joy to work with and followed direction extremely well.  Not only that, but her expertise in yoga mudras was incorporated into each phase of her shoot.  She had wonderful ideas and made an excellent model.  Towards the end of her shoot we did some grid photos that turned out almost angelic!  To see some of her photos being considered for the book, go to and look for the Mystic Women of Salem gallery.

Great job Olga, you have made the MWS Team very proud!  Your contribution to the project reflects the great diversity among the women of the project.  We are very proud of you, your message, and feel honored to have you as a featured woman in The Mystic Women of Salem photography book.

The MWS Team

Monday, August 15, 2011

Olga - MWS's Yoga Master

This week I am shooting Ms Olga, MWS's very own yoga instructor/master. 
Olga is a beautiful young woman from the Ukraine.

I interviewed Olga last year and was truly captivated by her inner light and physical beauty.  I knew without a doubt that she would photograph exquisitely.  However, her shoot had to be "adjusted" a bit, as Olga is now "with child" (which has happened to several of our MWS ladies).  So, time is of great importance here for several reasons - her pregnancy, and I really would like one of her shots to be included on the pr campaign materials.  Her photograph will reflect diversity among the women/subjects...VERY important for this project.

I will certainly do some behind the scenes shots and will keep you "posted".  Please keep your fingers crossed for us, that the lil' devil mercury will behave and that Freyja will intervene and grace Olga's shoot with creative flow, magical energy, and above all EXCELLENCE!  At bare minimum Freyja, could you just keep the equipment working?  :}

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Just Breathe - Mercury in Retrograde Until September!

You may have read part of the following on MWS's Facebook. 
Having five...yes, that's right FIVE planets in Gemini, when Mercury is in retrograde my entire life is turned upside down.  People usually do not understand when I get upset about something failing,breaking,crashing...etc.  What is happening in my mind is sheer panic,"is this the beginning? Hold on, brace yourself, run for cover, hide, stay home."  I have been trained very well by our planetary system/universe and can tell you without references when my ruling planet Mercury is in retrograde.  Last time it was ALL studio, lab, and pooter problems.

A couple of weeks ago it started... with all kinds of failure(s) of equipment in the studio.  Followed by a broken tooth, camera died, Silva (my magic truck) broke... all within the last couple of weeks.  One after another...disaster.  I became suspicious and mentioned on facebook that I suspected mercury had something to do with my woes.  And low and is so.  Now, at least, I know what's going on!  I know to fasten those seat belts EXTRA tight and ride it out.  Mercury affects so many people and things, sometimes I wonder if others have continuous "break downs" on the same level as I do.  Is it those five planets ruled by Mercury making my life EXTRA difficult? 

Hold on ole' gal, hold on.  The bottom line is this -

Just breathe...Mercury is in Retrograde!  :}

Studio Rules/Policies

Performance Art Photography

Studio/Shoot Policy
December 2010

The following policies have been created and implemented with several years of studio shooting and education experience(s). There are also Salem State University rules listed as well, as the studio used is at the University. Please know that with all this experience and too many shoots to count, these rules/policies must be followed in order to ensure a safe, successful, and enjoyable experience.

It is the goal of PAP (Performance Art Photography) to produce the highest quality of photography utilizing state of the art equipment, software, and extensive knowledge in the photography field.

If there are any questions regarding the following please do not hesitate to discuss with the photographer. Your respect for these rules and cooperation is much appreciated.

No children are allowed in the studio at any time…this is NOT negotiable (the studio is not safe for little ones).
All electronic devices must be turned off and put away during your shoot.
No visitors/spectators are allowed to accompany you unless discussed and approved by the photographer prior to your shoot date. If approved, they can only be there as SILENT observers.

All hair and makeup (aside from quick touch-ups) must be done prior to your shoot time.

Clothes/costumes may be changed into at the studio…quickly.

No eating, smoking, or drinking (except for occasional water sips) is allowed in the studio.

Occasional “breaks” during your shoot will be done at your request.

No animals are allowed unless approved by the photographer.
You MUST sign a Model Release prior to your shoot.

A draft of your “story” must be given to the photographer prior to your shoot.

Absolutely no cameras of any kind (including camera phones are allowed in the studio by you and/or your guest(s).

Any questions and/or comments about your shoot must be discussed prior to the shoot.

These rules come from many, many experiences in the studio. Please understand that the style of PAP is direct connection with the subject. Any distractions such as phones, blackberry’s, conversation w/guest(s), etc., really has an adverse effect on the photographer and the shooting experience in general. PAP depends upon your undivided attention during the shoot in order to produce extraordinary poses, and shots.

The lighting done during, “The Mystic Women of Salem” project are original, difficult, and would take a very experienced/seasoned photographer to try and re-produce. PAP is very protective of these techniques/styles of lighting. This is why there are absolutely no cameras allowed at any time.

Please be aware that these shoots are VERY technical. Working with high tech equipment and manipulating various forms of energy and lighting is complex and requires much attention from the photographer. Although PAP definitely wants your experience to be an enjoyable one, please know that there will be times when the photographer is pre-occupied and deep in thought. The photographer will let you know when a moment of silence is required.
Thank you so much for your interest in, “The Mystic Women of Salem” project. We hope that your experience with this project is stimulating, thought provoking, creative, joyous, magical, and will prove to be one of the “highlights” of your life.

This is truly one of our goals,

“The Mystic Women of Salem” Team

Friday, August 12, 2011

A Meltdown

- Written Sunday, August 7, 2011  Evening -

For the second time in the last two weeks I have had to cancel a scheduled shoot due to equipment failure (have been dealing with equipment issues for months now).  This shoot was one of the Mystic Women, who was very gracious when I explained to her what was going on.  The good thing is that I caught her at home before she left to come to the studio. 

Time and scheduling is critical for me.  Mostly, because I can only be upright for a few hours each day before my body begins to break down and cause so much agony that I pay for it all night long (if not days).  I have learned over time how to juggle things to where I can accomplish certain things each day...and NOT push it.  That seems to work for me.  So when issues come up like sudden cancellations/re-schedules, it sends me into a tailspin as I know to "double up or pull an all-nighter" is a physical impossibility.  Hence, my meltdown today.

We got the equipment working last week and thought everything was fine...when to my utter shock today, it was my camera all bread and butter just died.  It made several attempts then sputtered, and died.  So, after calling my client, I just could not help but to have a total and complete meltdown.  Of course I will have to send it to Cannon for repair which will push back my schedule even further.  We are under major pressure right now to get these shots done so I can forward the photos to Brian so he can finish the PR materials in time for printing and distribution in Sept. And of course, school begins in Sept.

It is times like these that I wonder why I am doing all this massive amount of work...for no money(MWS)?  I seriously question my sanity sometimes.

I broke down the studio and loaded the truck crying all the way home on a rainy day feeling defeated, helpless, and confused.  Sometimes this hard headed southern gal breaks down and today was the day.

After arriving home and curling up on the couch to finish my cry,  I saw the Behind the Scenes part 1 episode of the final Oprah Show (yes, I am a fan).  And one statement Ms. O made to the viewers really hit me,"the only courage you need is the courage to live the life of your dreams."  I am a FIRM believer there are NO coincidences, I was meant to hear that statement.

It is my dream to finish this project, to create an exquisite photography/historical/literary book, that in turn will tell the world about the phenomenal group of women that reside in this very magical place.

Yes...I now have the courage to go on (and maybe, just maybe my photography degree can be fit in there too).

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Summer Interviews

I began interviewing in July, 2011 and am continuing through August and possibly September.  At this point it looks like it will be September before the final selections are done.  At that point the Team and I will be notifying the final 13 women and a new shoot schedule will be sent out.

The interviews have been fascinating, shocking, stunning, intriguing, and just plain AWESOME in every way.  Remember ladies, even if you are not selected for MWS that does not mean that you are not automatically being considered for The Witches of Salem (the final book in the trilogy series).
Diversity among the selectees has to be a heavy consideration ie the reason I named it "Mystic" Women of Salem.  I want to capture and reflect the incredible layers and levels of so many extraordinary women in our area though photography and artistic expression.   Being repetitive and redundant is simply not an option for this particular book, and I am constantly aware of the aforementioned during every interview.  The more diverse/different all the women are, the better.  So, please keep that in mind when announcements are made.

As always, you women of Salem did not and have not let me consistently keep us inspired, focused, and committed to  The Mystic Women of Salem!


Hills and Valleys

I knew when this project was conceived that there was going to be extensive labor involved before the final birth arrival.  However, what I was not prepared for is "life" issues that seem to overwhelm me at times.  Working with this many women has been so interesting and rewarding, but they...just like we all...are experiencing life's challenges and issues.  We have experienced upcoming births/births, disease, deaths, relocations, career changes, new gigs/performances, vacations/getaways, divorce and everything in between that you can imagine.  Because of "life",  scheduling has become a real issue.  I have had to re-schedule many of our selected ladies due to the above and let's not forget equipment failure and issues.  Never have I experienced such a bombardment of the hills and valleys that we all experience and deal with during the course of our lifetimes, as I have during this past summer.  At times my mind would just be spinning with all these hills/valleys and I really could not get a grip on what was happening.  Then, it finally occurred to me...working and scheduling this many women over such a short period of time, (and believe me...2 years to produce a series with 33 subjects is insanity, ask any pro photog) of course all these things are going to be happening!

I am just hoping that "life" will calm down a bit when the winds of the north begin blowing and all begin to settle down for a slower and calmer pace in preparation for the winter.

 For me however, the fall and winter is when my life will be at full throttle and warp speed...with a full load at the University, shooting for Portfolio, Performance Art Photography, and MWS!
Good Goddess really are nuts!


Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Hello Everyone...

I am glad you are all enjoying the site!  A larger font is on it's way, as I understand most of you are having a hard time reading the text.

Thanks for visiting MWS site!

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


As you all know, initially,  the Team had planned on launching a completely new site for MWS project by September, 2011.  However,  after really getting into the "nitty gritty" of our original plan and seeing just how difficult the new site is to design (not to mention the time it will take), we elected to update/upgrade our current blogsite.  Time allowances for such an ambitious and creative endeavor were and are enormous.  In order to meet our deadline for the PR blitz in the Fall of 2011, it became quite apparent that there just was not enough time to complete the site.  Brian will be designing and developing the new site and we estimate it's completion to be in the Fall of 2012...perfect!

Brian added so many cool elements to this blog...there are just too many to itemize!  So, scroll,  peruse around and check it out!

We elected to have the blog reflect the color scheme/palette of our PR materials, so you can kind of see what we are going for...the general "feel" of the posters/flyers/cards.  Really you are getting a "sneak peak" in a sense.   Brian did an amazing job on this...his choices of colors and highlights really reflect the message and experience that we want our fans and the general public to have.

Please check out all the new sections of the blog.  All data has been transferred to these sections, so you will see the old information AND the new.

Thanks Bri...Fabulous...just Fabulous!

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Technical Issues

Please excuse these you can see they are old posts.

The new blog is scheduled for official launch this coming Wednesday...'

Sorry for the inconvenience.
