Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Hello Everyone!

Yes, I'm still here, however am a ways away from total recovery of all the catastrophic events that occurred over this last summer!

Never have I experienced such a "shift" with no pause...and I mean NO PAUSE.  Every single facet of my life has been effected.  It started with a flood at the house I was living in, only two weeks after school ended last May and it was one thing after another the entire summer.

I have moved and have been in the new house not even a month yet (I am in the commons area now).  Right when I was literally on my knees asking for help/assistance/guidance a Mystic Woman came to my rescue the very next day!  Once again, as I have always said,"there are powerful forces behind the MWS project."

My schedule at the University is particularly heavy this semester.  So, the Project Manager and I have decided that further shooting will be happening during holidays and summer months (hope to Goddess next summer is betta).  I am not online at home yet, but have access on campus.

I will be keeping you all up-to-date via this blog and facebook.  Be patient everyone...the powers at be have hit me with a huge 100 foot brick wall, letting me know once again, that I am not in control of this project.  I submit and surrender in order to serve.  The wait will be so worth it...this I know.

I will not be doing shoot schedules any longer.  I was trying to run this like a business and I have been "whipped into shape" now.  This is not a business, this is a movement and will have significant impact upon many (if I submit...and I do now).

Will call the MWS ladies individually to set up shoots and will notify everyone when they happen.

I hope you are all well!

Rebecca :|


  1. Hello Rebecca! Sound like you've had a heck of a summer! I hope your life flows better for you this fall. Sending you love and light, dear lady.

    Faerie Blessing

  2. Thank you so much Jacq! Yes, summer of 2012 will NEVER be forgotten and hopefully will NEVER repeat itself. It is safe to say that I would not have made it through without the constant support from my son.
    Thank you again, and I hope all is well with you in your neck of the woods!
    R :}
