Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Behind the Scenes of MWS - Tea Leaf Reader - Lady June!

Lady June upon arrival
Getting ready for the shoot

Photographer and June 

goofing around

small smiles

June and her dear friend, Dawn

Very good friends indeed.

When June and Dawn arrived on Saturday, she had obviously come very prepared for her shoot.  Her hair and makeup was flawless, she was wearing gorgeous flowing robes, and was dripping in gold...from her fingertips to numerous shimmering necklaces, to boot.  I was immediately impressed and knew that her shoot was going to be one that I would not forget.

We reviewed the paperwork, got it signed and I explained the basics of her theme, the lighting techniques, and the visual that I was hoping to achieve.  And achieve we did!

June was a natural in front of the camera.  Not only did we get smoke shots, we got candlelight shots as well.  I caught June on camera manipulating the flames of the candle...making it stretch to 2" and higher, then actually changing the color of the base of the flame on command! 

There were many, many "things" that happened during this shoot.  The air at one point was the thickest it had ever been during a MWS shoot...we all knew that we were not alone and that the spirits were really the ones in control.  From making their presence known by actually changing color images and back again (this was validated by a personal experience that June had with her recently departed loved one), her pet "Raven" demanding FULL spotlight, and numerous "other-worldly" experiences during the course of her shoot.  

Thank you Dawn for all that you did and have done for MWS project.  Thank you June for being an exceptional subject, and thank you guardians and spirits for making this shoot absolutely fascinating in so very many ways!

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